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Project Deliverables (Team related assessment)

Deliverable Description Marking
Sprint 1 (5%**)
Sprint 2 (10%**)
Sprint 3 (20%**)

Individual Project Related Assessment

**As mentioned in the introduction to CITS3200 on the home page, in accordance with the University policy on assessment, all team members in a group project must be awarded the same mark. The policy also says that group-based marks can account for no more than 30% of final mark, unless there is individual-based moderation of the mark. In the case of CITS3200, this means the Team marks for the three Sprints will be moderated via a Relative Performance Factor multiplier created via the SPARKPLUS web application (see discussion below).

For the 45% of the final mark related to the project (i.e. excluding an individual Professional Development Portfolio):

  • Sprint Reflections (15%)
    Fifteen percent of the final mark is made up of structured reflections for the 3 Sprints, i.e. 5% each. Each Sprint has its own reflection document, linked to the Sprint Definition page. The UWA service StudySmarter has nice (and short) guide to writing reflections.

  • Professionalism (10%)
    There will be mark for Professionalism, as judged by the Project Auditor and Unit Coordinator based on observations across the project timeline, but particularly on team meetings that the auditor will attend. Please see the discussion of what Professionalism encompasses and an associated rubric.

  • Contribution (20%)
    There is a mark, worth 20% of the overall assessment, for contribution. That is, the mark reflects the total effort you have put into the project, as recorded in the Booked Hours and supported by submissions to GitHub. The mark will simply be 2 times the number of hours divided by 10 (rounded to 1 decimal place). More ambitious projects will therefore, in general, result in higher marks for this component as the projects require more work, but please realise that the couple of extra marks are not worth jeopardizing your other units.
    The total Booked Hours should include formal team or client meetings (i.e. minuted meetings), but not the many informal conversations you will, no doubt, have. Booked hours may also include time required to pick up new skills or learn about the project background. However, the time for learning new skills or gaining background knowledge will be limited to no more than 20% of the total hours that have been claimed.

  • Peer Assessment (**)
    Contribution will also be peer-assessed at the end of each Sprint by members of your team using SPARKPLUS. This generates a floating point number, called a Relative Performance Factor (RPF), in the range 0 .. 1.5, typically around 1.0. Each assessment will be used as a moderator, i.e. a multiplier, which will be combined with the Team Sprint mark to arrive at an individual mark for that Sprint. Details of how to get started with SPARKPLUS, and how to use it at the end of each Sprint, can be found here. Please note that, in line with UWA Assessment policy, there is a late penalty for late submission of your SPARKPLUS team analyses of 5% (i.e. 0.05) per day late, but in this case it will be capped at 10%

Weekly Deliverables

In many industries is it standard that teams have minuted meetings on a regular basis, and that time working on particular projects is charged to project clients. We will be doing somethign similar in this unit. Specifically, it is expected that:
  • Teams will have at least one formal meeting per week, i.e. those meetings will be documented via minutes. (Of course, this does not preclude many informal interactions.) Specific Team meetings, on weeks, denoted by a green ball on the timetable, will also include the Team Auditor.
  • There will be 4 additional Team meetings, in weeks indicated on the timetable, with Team Mentors from industry.
  • Team members will each record the time they personally spend on project activities, including formal (i.e. minuted) Team meetings and Mentor meetings.
  • While there is generally considerable flexibility about when meetings are organised, all formal Team meetings are compulsory, particularly those involving project Mentors or Auditors.
  • As denoted on the timetable, Teams are expected to provide each week, on Friday (but certainly no later than Sunday evening), the following documents:
    • A set of Minutes for each Team meeting held that week (PDF or MS-Word doc),
    • A time-sheet summarising the work that has gone on that week (Spreadsheet) based on Booked_hours spreadsheets from Team members, and
    • A tar or zip file containing the Booked_hours spreadsheet submitted by EACH Team member.
    (Minutes, TimeSheets and the Booked Hours will be discussed in the Introduction lecture. Also see note on the Project Timetable page. The Project page has templates for the Timesheets, Minutes and Booked Hours.)

    The three items are to be deposited in the directory allocated for the Team in the Microsoft Teams space for this unit. Please observe the file naming convention mentioned on the Project page.

  • Finally, while School and University policy governs the major deliverables (and in particular late penalties), the following will apply to the weekly deliverables.
    • If a group's Minutes (of both the weekly meetings and Mentor meetings), Booked-hours spreadsheets file or Timesheets are later than Sunday evening, the Professionalism mark for the responsible Team Manager will be penalised.
    • By the same token, it is not up to the Team Manager to chase Booked Hours spreadsheets from Team members, so if these are late, then the Team Manager is within his/her rights to submit that week's data without the missing person's hours, and that person's Professionalism mark will be penalised.
    • The weeks when there will be meetings with mentors are known well in advance. Therefore, there is no excuse other than illness or misadventure, or the unavailability of the mentor, for you not to attend a mentor meeting, so there will be penalty against the Professionalism mark for each Mentor meeting missed.

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 26 July 2024
Modified By: Michael J Wise