Professional Development Portfolio
The Professional Development Portfolio is linked to the unit
lecture programme, which you will notice, is very industry oriented.
Specifically, for each lecture, except for the very first lecture (Introduction to CITS3200)
presented by Michael Wise, you are to write a reflection,
say, one page per lecture (normal spacing, 12pt font).
Making direct refence to the lecture content, each reflection should be
on the messages you have taken from
the lecture in the context of your experiences with this unit, other units you have done, and any industrial experience you have head.
You can also consider how you think the concepts in the lecture may
be useful to your career as it evolves.
Think of this not only in terms of entry-level positions that you will likely occupy
at the start of your career, but also how these ideas may be useful as you move
to more managerial/supervisory roles, or begin companies of your own.
As with your other written work at UWA, PDP submissions will be scanned by plagiarism detection systems.
In any case, there should be no need to look at any other works, given that these are
meant to be your personal reflections.
On the same basis, use of ChatGPT or similar text generators
is not permitted.
You are to submit the set of reflections as a single .docx/.pdf file
electronically via NOTE change: LMS.
Marking Rubric
The reflection for each lecture will be assessed using the rubric below, with the final mark out of 20,
computed as the mean of the scores, times 2.
- 0 ≤ N < 1
- Not submitted, or totally incomprehensible
- 1 ≤ N < 3
- Very substandard, but glimmers of understanding about the issues, or the
reflection looking like it was generate by GPTchat (or similar) -
nice sounding, but otherwise vacuous, platitudes.
Another reason could be major flaws in the writing
- 3 ≤ N < 5
- Substandard. Some understanding about the issues being discussed in the lecture,
or only limited connection to possible career impacts.
Or significant flaws in the writing, e.g. use
of tenses, singulars and plurals
- 5 ≤ N < 7
- Showing average understanding of the intent of the issues raised in the lecture and beginning of insight about how they may be influential in the future. Or, some lapses in grammar or punctuation
- 7 ≤ N < 9
- Higher level of understanding of the intent of the lecture and how that information may be influential in the future; Clear writing, only very minor language issues
- 9 ≤ N < 10
- Distinctly superior levels of understanding of the intent of the lecture and how that information may be influential in the future; Writing is a model of clarity
- 10
- Stunning insightful work (use this mark sparingly).
The quality of English expression is very much part of the rubric above.
Among other things, this means writing full paragraphs, rather than
What we are looking for is evidence of your own understanding and
thoughts about the different topics, not merely a recitation of
the text on lecturers' slides.