The University of Western Australia
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

CITS1001 Object-oriented Programming and Software Eng

The mid-semester test will be held during the Thursday lecture of Week 8. The test is worth 15% of CITS1001, and it examines all of the material discussed in the lectures and lab classes up to the week of the test.

Post requests for clarification about any aspect of the test to help1001.

Practical Details:

  • Some people will be sitting the test at the usual lecture venue; others will be sitting the test elsewhere. This table gives the details. Venues can be located on the UWA campus map.

    Surname starts with Test venue
    A - M Social Sciences Lecture Theatre (G130)
    N - Z Murdoch Lecture Theatre (G58)
  • Check the map and arrive at your venue early so that we can start and finish on time. Students arriving after the start will get no extra time.
  • The test will last forty minutes. It will comprise fifteen multiple-choice questions. The questions will cover material from the lectures, from the relevant parts of the text, from the lab sheets, or from topics discussed on help1001.
  • You will be provided with a question sheet and an answer sheet. You will also be given a short (optional) survey on CITS1001 to fill out.
  • Read the title page with instructions for the 2018 test. Write your name and student number on the question and answer sheets, and fill in the circles for both as well. You must submit both at the end of the test.
  • Mark your solutions on the answer sheet in spaces 1-15: ignore spaces 16-125. The answer sheets will be marked by an automatic scanner, so mark your choices clearly. Use only pencil, in case you need to make changes.
  • All students will be presented with the same questions, but different papers will present the questions in different orders. Your answers (if correct!) will be different from the people sitting near you.
  • You may not communicate with any other students during the test: address any queries to the invigilators.
  • No books, notes, calculators, or other assistance will be allowed. Turn your mobile phone off and leave it in your bag, and leave your bag at the front of the lecture theatre. If you have no bag, give your phone to the unit co-ordinator before the test starts.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave the exam room during the test (except in an emergency). If you finish early, check your answers and sit quietly.


Feedback for 2018:

  • The overall average was 10.25/15.00, i.e. 68%. Historically, this is quite a high average for the test. Well done! The distribution of marks is shown below.
  • This is the percentage of students who got each question right, numbering the questions as in the files above. Where you had the wrong answer for a question (or if you just guessed the right answer :), try to understand the right answer and why you had it wrong; if that proves difficult, try help1001.
Question Students correct Common wrong answers
1 54% A, B
2 70% B, A, E
3 82% D
4 50% B
5 64% all
6 95% none
7 59% D, C
8 63% C
9 73% B
10 81% A
11 74% A, E
12 74% A, D, C
13 53% A, E
14 67% C
15 66% D

School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

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Last updated:
Thu Dec 8 18:10:11 2011

Website Feedback:
[email protected]