The University of Western Australia
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

CITS1001 Object-oriented Programming and Software Eng

18 June The marks for Project 2 are now available on csmarks. Please direct general comments and questions to help1001. If you wish to query your mark, please check the online solutions first, and collect and check your marked script. Scripts will be available for collection from the CSSE General Office from 1-2pm each day.
16 May The SPoT surveys for CITS1001 are now available on LMS. Please take a few minutes to give some feedback by this mechanism; all feedback is valued for its potential to improve the unit in future.
13 May Project 2 is now available. Good luck!
9 May The marks for Project 1 are now available on csmarks. Please direct general comments and questions to help1001. If you wish to query your mark, please check the online solutions first, and collect and check your marked script. Scripts will be available for collection from the CSSE General Office from 10-11am on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th May.
27 April The marks for the mid-semester test are now available on csmarks, and the questions and solutions are also available. Please direct general comments and questions to help1001. If you wish to query your mark, please check the online solutions first.
27 April My solution to Project 1 is now available.
27 April Some students are stressing about Project 1, the mid-semester test, and the unit requirement stated on the home page that you need to get 40% (i.e. 10/25) in these items to pass the unit. Don't panic! No one will fail the unit *automatically* at this stage because of this requirement. In practice what happens is that every student who gets less than 10/25 gets a personal email from Lyndon to their UWA address, and a chance to discuss and explain their situation and their further plans in the unit. If you get one of these emails (probably in Week 10), respond to Lyndon quickly and we can hopefully clear up the situation.
7 April Project 1 is now available. Good luck!
6 April Google Code Jam starts at 7am on 7 April (Perth time)! The qualifying round runs until 10am on 8 April. It's free to enter - have a go if you enjoy programming.
23 March The dates of Project 1 have been changed, as shown on the lectures page. The project will now be due on 20 April, and will be available from the web-site before 9 April.
22 March The details of the mid-semester test have been released. Note particularly the room allocation for students, and the past papers. Please post any general questions on help1001.
28 February Labs will commence on Monday 5 March. Assign yourself to a lab session using the Class Allocation System (CAS)
7 February The first lecture is on Tuesday 27 February 2017 at noon in the Social Sciences Lecture Theatre.
7 February Watch this video and be glad you chose computing! Or just try computing.