Document version number: 1.1.3.
Document date: 2018-05-24
(Fixed info on tryPosition()
Check the CITS1001 web-site to ensure that you are aware of the latest version.
Submission deadline: 5pm, Friday 1 June 2018.
Value: 15% of CITS1001.
To be done in pairs. Individual is also fine; groups of more than two are NOT allowed.
Before you submit, make sure that all names and student numbers are listed on the submission.
You should construct a Java program containing your solution to the following problem. You must submit your program electronically using cssubmit. No other method of submission is allowed.
You are expected to have read and understood the University's guidelines on academic conduct. In accordance with this policy, you may discuss with other students the general principles required to understand this project, but the work you submit must be the result of your own effort.
You must submit your project before the submission deadline above. The penalty for late submission is described here.
While perusing the library’s copy of Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming one evening, a sheet of paper between two pages falls out. Looking at it, you discover that it contains an encrypted message, and instructions for a cryptosystem, Pontoon, for decrypting it. The cryptosystem is designed so that it can be implemented using a deck of playing cards – but, not having a deck of cards to hand, you decide to implement it in Java.
In this project you will write a Java program that implements the Pontoon cryptosystem, and then use it to decode an encrypted message.
You will implement parts of three Java classes – Deck
, representing a card deck and operations that can be performed on it, Encoder
, which can be used to encode and decode messages using the cryptosystem, and Message
, which contains the encrypted message:
Each link above gives you a skeleton of the required class, including instance variables, constructors, and methods. You are required to complete the methods whose bodies are marked with the comment TODO. A suggested order for tackling the classes, and descriptions of what the methods do, follows.
This class represents a deck of cards and operations that can be performed on it (together with some utility methods, useful in implementing the operations). The Pontoon cryptosystem requires a deck of cards with two jokers that can be distinguished in some way. (In many decks, the image on one of the jokers will be slightly larger or in some way different from the other.)
Cards are represented as integers from 1 through to 54, inclusive; the numbers 1 through to 52 represent cards in the four suits (clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades), and the numbers 53 and 54 represent the first and second joker. It is an error to try and create a deck where multiple cards have the same value.
A suggested order of implementation is:
Each method has documentation describing its effect. Some additional information on methods, and examples to illustrate some of them, follow. (Note that you can also look in the test class code, given below, for examples.)
. Suppose you were using a deck of only 12 cards: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Then a call to shiftDownOne(10)
would put the cards into the following order: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,10,12. Whereas calling shiftDownOne(12)
on that deck would result in this order: 1,12,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.tripleCut()
. The method takes as its argument two positions which divide the deck into three “chunks”, and the first and last “chunks” are swapped.
on the 12-card deck would result in the new order: 11,12,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1. Even if one or more “chunks” consist of zero cards (i.e., are empty), the operation should still work.countCut()
. If countCut(4)
were applied to the 12-card deck from the previous examples, this would result in the new card order: 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,12.shuffleArray()
. When called, this method should shuffle the deck into a new order. There are three JUnit tests for this method, testShuffle_low_grade
, testShuffle_medium_grade
, and testShuffle_high_grade
. They measure the amount of entropy (a measure of disorder) your method introduces – you should aim to pass all three tests. The highest entropy is achieved when each possible ordering of the deck has the same probability of occurring when the method is called.
The Encoder
class is used to encrypt or decrypt a message. When created, an Encoder
is initialized using a Deck
object with its cards in a particular order (or, if no Deck
is specified, the Encoder
class uses a Deck
with its cards in the default order: 1, 2, 3 … through to 54).
The Pontoon cryptosystem only works on capital letters from the English alphabet. The sanitize
method is used to remove characters from a String which the system cannot handle.
Internally, Pontoon operates not with letters ('A'
, 'B'
, 'C'
etc.), but with numbers (int
s) representing those letters. 'A'
is represented by the number 1, 'B'
by the number 2, and so on. The methods charToInt
and intToChar
convert between these two representations.
The encodeChar
and decodeChar
methods encode and decode, respectively, a character from an unencrypted or encrypted message. Their first argument is a character from the message; their second argument is a character from the “keystream”, a sequence of characters generated by the Pontoon system using the deck of cards. (We show how this keystream is generated soon.) The encodeString
and decodeString
methods are similar, but operate on an entire message, rather than just a single character. Descriptions of exactly how those methods should operate is given in the source code.
The nextKeyStreamChar
method generates a keystream character, based on the current state of the deck.
The algorithm it uses is as follows:
.Finally, the encrypt()
and decrypt()
methods encrypt or decrypt a string. For each character in the string, they call nextKeyStreamChar()
to generate a keystream character; then they call encodeChar()
and decodeChar()
to encode or decode the character, respectively.
A suggested order to tackle the methods is as follows:
and intToChar()
and decodeChar()
and decodeString()
and decrypt()
The Message
class holds the encrypted message which you are trying to decrypt, as a static String
variable. It also holds the ordering of the card deck that needs to be used to decrypt the message … except that you notice that the position of one card, the King of Hearts (with card value 39) is missing.
You will need to complete the tryPosition()
method, which takes as a parameter a possible position in the partial deck (from 0 to 53) where the King might go. It returns a String of comma-separated card values, with the King inserted in the appropriate place. (This “deck string” can be used to create a Deck object with its cards in that order.)
You will also need to complete the Message()
constructor for the Message
class. See the source code for details of what it should do.
Submit your three completed files,
, and
via cssubmit.
Before you submit, make sure that all names and student numbers are listed on the submission.
Your file names, class names, and method names and signatures must match the specifications exactly. The marking process is partly automated and any deviation in the names or signatures will cause problems, which will be penalised. It is ok to add other methods if you like, as long as you do not change the names or signatures of existing methods.
Common mistakes are to submit .class files in place of .java files, or to submit our test classes in place of your code. If you do one of these, you will be notified as soon as we become aware, but you will be due for any applicable late penalty. It is easy to check your submitted files after you have submitted them – do it!
Your submission will be assessed on
Testing classes are provided for you to validate your program before submission:
Note however that the correctness of your program is your responsibility. The testing classes are (intentionally) quite brief, and a program that passes all of the tests is not guaranteed to be free of errors. "Testing shows the presence, not the absence of bugs." -- E.W. Dijkstra.
Feel free to augment the testing classes with more tests of your own.
In ensuring your code is clear, the CSSE Java style guide may be a useful resource.In a hollowed-out section of Volume 2 of The Art of Computer Programming, you unexpectedly find a deck of cards, and an additional encrypted message. A note informs you that six of the cards are out of place, as they fell out when the volume was being shelved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell you which the six cards were. The encrypted message, and the (disordered) sequence of cards is here. Can you work out what the decrypted message is? There will be a prize** for the first person to email Arran a Java program that decrypts the message.
**All prizes are awarded or not solely at Arran's discretion.
There were 45 marks for correctness, distributed as follows:
– 2validateCards
– 2shuffleArray
– 3findCard
– 1shiftDownOne
– 2tripleCut
– 3countCut
– 2sanitize
– 2charToInt
– 1intToChar
– 1encodeChar
– 2decodeChar
– 2encodeString
– 2decodeString
– 2nextKeyStreamChar
– 5encrypt
– 2decrypt
– 2tryPosition
– 4Message
– 5Methods were assessed independently, e.g. if allDifferent
had a problem, that wouldn’t affect other methods that called it.
A method that got all green ticks from the marking class would get full marks; otherwise a penality was applied according to the severity of the error.
There were 10 marks for code clarity. Mostly you would have lost a mark if you do something significant contrary to the CSSE Java style guide, or if the marker deemed that your code for a method was significantly more complicated than it needed to be.
The overall average was 43/55. The distribution of marks is shown below.
This is my solution – compare this to your own solution.
The tests used for marking are contained in the following classes:
In addition, the tests provided as part of the project specification were also run:
Experiment with the test classes, and see if you can pinpoint where your program goes wrong (if it does!). Please direct questions to help1001.
The quickest way to get help with the project is via help1001. You can ask questions, browse previous questions and answers, and discuss all sorts of topics with both staff and other students.
Please read and follow these guidelines.
If you have a question of a personal nature, do not post to help1001: please email Lyndon or Arran instead.
Good luck!