CITS2002 Systems Programming  

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Project 1 Clarifications - see also project description and marking rubric

This page provides any clarifications, more detailed explanations, big hints, or corrects any errors identified after the project description was released. This page will be updated with responses to any common problems or misunderstandings posted on help2002 or asked in laboratory sessions.

28th August, 5pm
(updated on the main project page)
Your runml program must accept a command-line argument providing the pathname of a text file containing a program written in ml, and any optional command-line arguments to be passed to the transpiled program when it is executed.

27th August, 11am
Some clarifications about the syntax of ml have been discussed on help2002 - 123456.


Chris McDonald.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Presented by [email protected]