CITS2002 Systems Programming  
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1965-1980: Integrated Circuits and Multiprogramming

In the early 1960s, computer manufacturers typically made two types of computers - word-oriented, large scale scientific computers (such as the IBM-7094), and character-oriented commercial computers (such as the IBM-1401), which were really better suited for I/O.

Incompatibility and a lack of an upgrade path were the problems of the day.

IBM attempted to address both problems with the release of their System/360, a family of software compatible machines differing only in capacity, price and performance. The machines had the same architecture and instruction set.

With heavy CPU-bound scientific calculations, I/O is infrequent, so the time spent (wasted) waiting was not significant. However, commercial processing programs in the emerging COBOL (Computer Oriented Business Organizational Language) often spent 80-90% of its time waiting for I/O to complete.

The advent of separate I/O processors made simultaneous I/O and CPU execution possible.

The CPU was multiplexed (shared), or employed multiprogramming, amongst a number of jobs - while one job was waiting for I/O from comparatively slow I/O devices (such as a keyboard or tape), another job could use the CPU.

Jobs would run until their completion or until they made an I/O request.


  • Interactivity was restored.
  • The CPU was kept busy if enough jobs were ready to run.


  • The computer hardware and the operating system software became significantly more complex (and there has been no looking back since!).


CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 3, p11, 29th July 2024.