1955-65: Transistors and Batch Systems, continued
Generally, an inexpensive computer, such as an IBM 1401, was used for
reading cards and printing from output tapes. The expensive machine,
such as an IBM 7094, was used solely for the mathematical computations.
- The (true, computational) computer was kept busier.
- The computer was no longer interactive.
Jobs experienced a longer turnaround time.
- The CPU was still idle much of the time for jobs.
Other jobs remained queued for execution.
The significant operating system innovation at this time was the
introduction of a command interpreter (a job control language - JCL)
to describe, order, and commence execution of jobs.
The resident monitor was also protected from the user programs, and
managed the automated loading of the programs after the monitor.
CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 3, p10, 29th July 2024.