CITS2002 Systems Programming  

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CITS2002 Programming and Systems - Project 2 Feedback (2016)

Q9: Any comments or suggestions about the nature of the 2nd project?

  • I found it fairly difficult. I had to go back and revise a lot of the lecture material but still struggled to complete it.
  • I felt that I had a greater understanding of what the goal of the project was compared to project 1.
  • A file system utility appears to be a common programming exercise so the solution to the issues and problems we encountered were easy to find through a quick web search.
  • The sample checker tool was extremely helpful in identify the expected output of the program under various circumstances.
  • Is it possible for the marking guide to be released so we can see what tests our program has to pass?
  • An excellent project - any difficulties I had where overcome by learning(!) about the relevant concept - the entire point of a project.
  • While some parts were challenging and required a bit of research, overall, I found the 2nd project more straightforward compared to the 1st project. It was definitely much easier to complete within the given time frame. The only issue I had was with the tutorial relating to the project not recording - I depend on the recordings due to class clashes so I felt I was at a bit of a disadvantage here. This is obviously not Chris's fault but it would have been appreciated if we had been notified of the main points covered.
  • I'm going to be honest - I cannot overemphasise how badly the unit material and teaching in this unit prepares you for project 2 (and by extension, all of the unit concepts in general). This unit has been been a total and complete hell - not because of the subject matter, but because of the teaching in general. I love the subject matter and would enjoy studying it on my own, but trying to learn the subject matter through this unit has been the most painful and disheartening experience I have had in CS. This is the type of unit that destroys CS for people. I STRONGLY believe that project 2 and the teaching that led up to it were a a perfect embodiment of this.
  • That whole linked library thing probably wasn't explained enough. A bit confusing.

Q11: Do you have a single-line comment for future CITS2002 students?

  • Ensure to keep up-to-date with the coursework at all times and start the projects as early as possible.
  • Make sure you have some prior programming experience before you do this unit, and just because you are familiar with programming, don't take this unit lightly.
  • Don't ignore the lab exercises just because their are no marks involved. Keep up-to-date with lectures and labs and you'll be fine
  • Stay on top of the lecture material - it really helps for the projects, and definitely utilise the recommended textbooks for revision. Make sure you're very comfortable with pointers and allocating memory before starting.
  • Chris has some hell good jokes, so make sure you listen

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Presented by [email protected]