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Dereferencing a pointer

We now know that a pointer may point to memory locations holding variables' values.

It should also be obvious that if the variable's value (contents) changes, then the pointer will keep pointing to the same variable, (which now holds the new value).

We can use C's concept of dereferencing a pointer to determine the value the pointer points to:

int total;
int *p     = &total ;

    total  =  3;

    printf("value of variable total is:       %i\n", total );
    printf("value pointed to by pointer p is: %i\n", *p );

    ++total;      // increment the value that p points to   

    printf("value of variable total is:       %i\n", total );
    printf("value pointed to by pointer p is: %i\n", *p );

Even though the variable's value has changed (from 3 to 4), the pointer still points at the variable's location.

The pointer first pointed at an address containing 3, and the pointer kept pointing at the (same) address which now contains 4.


CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 11, p4, 28th August 2023.