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The & operator, the address-of operator, the ampersand operator

The punctuation character &, often pronounced as the address-of operator, is used to find a variable's address.

For example, we'd pronounce this as:

int total;

.... &total ....

"the address of total", and if the integer variable total was located at memory address 10,000 then the value of &total would be 10,000.

We can now introduce a variable named p, which is a pointer to an integer
(pedantically, p is a variable used to store the address of a memory location that we expect to hold an integer value).

int total;
int *p ;

    p = &total ;

If the integer variable total was located at memory address 10,000 then the value of p would be 10,000.

If necessary (though rarely), we can print out the address of a variable, or the value of a pointer, by first casting it to something we can print, such as an unsigned integer, or to an "generic" pointer:

int total;
int *p     = &total ;

    printf("address of variable is:  %lu\n", (unsigned long)&total );
    printf(" value of pointer p is:  %lu\n", (unsigned long)p );
    printf(" value of pointer p is:  %p\n", (void *)p );


CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 11, p3, 28th August 2023.