June Examination 2014


The 2014 exam comprises

The cover page for the 2014 exam is available here. Make sure you are familiar with this information before you go in to the exam.

Minor syntactic issues will not be penalised in the coding questions. However, serious syntactic errors will be penalised. For example, forgetting a ';' at the end of a statement is ok, but forgetting to mention the type of a parameter in a method is not ok.

Material Covered

For an overview summary of the whole unit see cits1001 in a nutshell

The following material is examinable:

  1. Lecture Material
    Anything covered in the lectures and details in the corresponding course reader and text book chapters. Anything that is discussed verbally in the lectures is also deemed to be part of the course. If you have missed any lectures, then they have (almost) all been audio recorded. See the link from the lectures web page.
  2. Practical Work
    Anything covered in any of the laboratory sessions and projects excluding the parts labelled as optional challenge sections. 
  3. help1001
    Any questions and/or answers raised in the help1001 forum, whether by students or staff.

Previous exam questions

CITS1001 is a new courses unit and the syllabus and practical work has changed slightly from previous CITS1200 exams.

Previous exam papers can be found under the Library's Course Materials Online system (CMO). You need to login using your student card details.

See also this page for more past questions.

There will be exam revision classes at normal lecture times (Tue and Thu) in week 13. Note there is no workshop on Friday that week because of the project demonstrations.

To get the full benefit from past papers you must work through them yourself. Unlike exam conditions, you have effectively unlimited time to work on test papers, you have access to lecture notes and books, you can work with your friends, and you have access to computers to test code. Use these to create your best answers. If you do get stuck on anything then post a question to help1001. But I will not be providing sample solutions to previous exams, except the MCQs. Reading the answers directly has the effect of imbuing the reader with confidence in their perceived knowledge, until they reach the exam where they find that they actually didn't know what they thought they knew...

Further Information

Good luck!

The exam period is a stressful time. Look after yourself. Make time for exercise, eat well, and remember that sleep is very important.