The University of Western Australia
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

CITS5502 Software Processes


You are expected to have read and understood the University guidelines on academic conduct. In accordance with this policy, you may discuss with other students the general principles required to understand individual assessments, but the work you submit must be the result of your own effort.

Assignments (50% total, individual)

Assessment for the unit includes two assignments, worth 20% and 30% respectively. These cover the topics of: modelling and simulation of a process; and measurement and optimisation of a process.

Specifications for these assignments will be made available on this page.

Practical exercises (0%)

Practical exercises will be included in workshops. These practical exercises do not contribute directly to your final mark, but it is strongly recommended you attend workshops and complete them.

Exam questions will tend to be closely based on workshop material, and a good knowledge of the workshop material will be needed for the assignments.

Exam (50%)

There will be a 2-hour exam in the November examination period.

The exam will have 6 questions, each worth 10 marks for a total of 60 marks. So aim to tackle each question in 20 minutes.

All answers must be thoroughly justified with evidence. The bulk of marks are awarded for demonstrating that you can apply the principles learnt to a situation, identify relevant features, justify your approach, and describe it logically and clearly.

Permitted materials

Students are permitted to bring one A4 sheet of notes to the examination. Notes must be hand written, not photocopied or printed. You can use both sides of one A4 sheet of paper. The sheet can not be folded or have any attachments. Any notes that do not meet these conditions will be considered unauthorised material, and will be removed by the exam invigilators. Your notes sheet must be submitted with your exam paper at the end of the exam.

Calculators are not required for the CITS5502 exam.

Some additional information on the exam format and suggested approaches to revision are contained here.

Some sample questions of the same style used in the exam, and notes on possible answers, are included here: here.

And good luck!