Deadline: 4pm Friday 22 September 2023 (week 8).
Submit Deliverable 2a (submit 1 document per student) in cssubmit. Make sure you choose the correct submission area for this deliverable.
Agile software projects aim to Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. and assert that Working software is the primary measure of progress. []. Deliverable 2 focusses on these two aspects.
Often it is difficult in a team setting to showcase individual contributions. This can be challenging for the instructors (who wish to ensure fair marking), and for students (who wish to ensure that their contributions are "seen"). This assessment item is intended to let you share an individual contribution to your team project.
Each submission should be a single pdf document of no more than 2 pages. No zip, rar, word or other formats please. In the submission you can include text, images, technical drawings or any other information that will convey your contribution. Your presentation should be readable by a general audience: something you could take to an interview to showcase your work. You can also include hyperlinks to additional material (e.g. GitHub, Trello or ms-teams channel) as required.
The contribution you pick for Deliverable 2a must satisfy three things:
Client Review. The group should continue to seek feedback from your client on the project deliverables for this phase and to agree on the plan for the final phase of the project. This client feedback is for formative feedback to improve your project. It does not contribute to your mark for Deliverable 2a.
Submission Submit a summary document (no more than 2 pages) that describes your chosen individual technical contribution. Submit to cssubmit (Deliverable 2a). Submit a single PDF document (no other formats please) including your student number in the file name, e.g., Deliverable2a-22233301.pdf.
Marking Rubric for Deliverable 2a CITS5206-Individual-Deliverable-2a-Marking-Rubric.xlsx
See the web page Professionalism Assessments for the requirements for Deliverable 2b.
Version 2022-06-12 Semester 2 2023