CITS5206 Information Technology Capstone Project 2023

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Deliverable 1 Submission (25% as 15% group and 10% individual)

Deadline: 4pm Friday 25 August (week 5)

Submit Deliverable 1a (submit 1 document per group) and Deliverable 1b (see link below) in cssubmit. Make sure you choose the correct submission area for each part. Each submission should be a single pdf document. No zip, rar, word or other formats please. Your submission should references links to additional documents in your ms-teams or github repository as required.

For IT, the primary focus is on technology, closely aligned with user goals [ACM curriculum 2020]. Deliverable 1 focusses on these two aspects. By the end of week 5 you should submit Deliverable 1 comprising:

Deliverable 1a Group project specification

Deliverable 1a will document progress on the project so far and future plans. It will comprise documents that you have developed for the project including your user experience and MVP powerpoint, and project plans. Deliverable 1a should demonstrate that the group has:
  1. Interacted with the client and other stakeholders to identify and prioritise their requirements and the scope for the project.
  2. Identified a minimal viable product (MVP) for the project, agreed the MVP with the client, and planned how you will build this.
  3. Analysed user experience for this application, and considered how this will be addressed within the project time span.
  4. Demonstrated to the client an initial prototype for the software product. The demonstration may be code, web pages, database frames, screen mockups etc.
  5. Investigated technology choices for this project and selected appropriate development environment, languages, and technologies for your project taking into account the group's skills, resources and project risks.
  6. Performed preliminary security threat modelling for your project (using e.g. STRIDE analysis - see Resources page for link). More details on STRIDE analysis will be covered in the workshops, and you will review and update your preliminary analysis in deliverable 2.
  7. Created a plan for the next stages of the project, with sufficient detail to complete deliverable 2. For preference, your plan should be documented in your Trello project area.

Remember that agile methodologies "preference brevity over long documents" []. But project success also requires that you have considered the options for this project carefully, and that important decisions are documented. Your documentation should be prepared for the client. It is suggested that your present your submission as a power point presentation for the client including: MVP, Human experience, Prototype mock up, Technology choices, Risk/threat analysis and Project plan. Additionally, your submission should include hyperlinks (not copies) to project artifacts such as GitHub, Trello and ms-Teams for review. Make sure that these links are accessible to the UC for marking. My github ID is websense ([email protected]).

Client Review. The project client will be asked (by the unit coordinator) to give brief feedback on the work done so far. Their feedback will contribute to your mark for Deliverable 1a. You should ensure that you have met with your client to demonstrate your prototype and for them to approve project documents before you submit Deliverable 1a. Feedback will be requested from the client by the unit coordinator after the submission deadline.

Submission Each group should submit one Deliverable 1 document to cssubmit (Deliverable 1 Group Project Spec). Submit a single power point OR PDF document (no other formats please) with your group number and the student number of the person submitting for the group included in the file name, e.g., Deliverable1-group7-22233301.pdf. Use hyperlinks to reference project material in your github and ms-teams sites. The student number in the file title will be used for returning feedback to the group. Ensure that the names and student numbers of all group members are included in the document itself. Students are responsible for contacting the unit coordinator as soon as possible if there are concerns about group dynamics or contributions (see Deliverable 1b Code of Conduct).

Marking Rubric for Deliverable 1a CITS5206-Group-Deliverable-1a-Marking-Rubric.xlsx

Deliverable 1b P1/P2: Professionalism Assessment (10% individual)

See the web page Professionalism Assessments for the requirements for Deliverable 1b.

2023-08-17 Semester 2 2023

UWA   Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering