Interesting Things
While the Resources pages list books, web pages, etc, that are directly relevant to this unit,
generally providing more details about things covered in the unit, this page is for things I
I (and you, if you wish) consider intersting.
I assume the pieces will generally be computing related, but beyond that, if you think something is interesting,
perhaps others do too?
Despite it's deliberately provocative title,
10 Signs You Will Suck at Programming,
the piece also says what you can do about it, and is ultimately very positive; if you do the
things Jonathan Bluks recommends you will likely succeed, and be a productive
software-engineering team member.
A study by Michelle Drouin from 2014, where she did a case-control experiment
comparing the performance of a psychology class in the US,
which had access to lecture recording, and a parallel
class that did not have the recordings.
Michelle A. Drouin, "If You Record It, Some Won't Come: Using Lecture Capture in Introductory Psychology",
Teaching of Psychology, 2014
A study by Martin R. Edwards and Michael E. Clinton,
A study exploring the impact of lecture capture availability
and lecture capture usage on student attendance
and attainment, tells a similar story, except in this
case it was a quantitative methods unit taught in a UK university.
An article from Jon Bentley's Programming Pearls column in Communications of the ACM
about Little Languages.
These are the more complicated Unix tools where command-line options are insufficient
for specifying the behaviour you want from the software tool.
We will be covering a couple such tools in this unit.
(You may need to be on campus on VPN'd in to access the PDF.)
Zotero is a very nice, simple
and popular way to manage your research and other refereces.
Saves a lot of wondering, "Where did I see that article". (Hat Tip: Alex)
A blog post about writing a Minecraft serve in Bash".
The blog post is well written. The Bash code is pretty advanced, and will
certainly make more sense at the end of this module. (Hat Tip: Zach)
A prescient cartoon from 1923 shows an "idea dynamo" (i.e. bot) being used to draw cartoons,
foreshadowing GPTChat, Dall.E and Wombo Dream.
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 8 March 2023
Modified By: Michael Wise