CITS3002 Computer Networks - Tutorial 3  

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CITS3002 Computer Networks - Tutorial 3

(for the week commencing 25th March 2024)

  1. Using pseudo-code similar to either Python or C or Java (or anything), develop a function to simulate multiple network stations communicating using a slotted ALOHA protocol. Your function should support attributes/parameters such as the number of nodes, the probability that a node has a new frame for transmission, and the probability that a node is willing to re-transmit a frame that was previously involved in a collision.

    With reference to your implementation, ensure that the metric of observed channel utilization may easily be reported (perhaps the return value of the function).

    (Don't be overwhelmed by this problem. You are not being asked to develop a protocol using the cnet framework. A correct solution requires only about 20 lines of pseudo-code).

  2. [from a past mid-semester test (and Lecture-4)]
    Suppose 3 devices using CSMA/CD and the binary exponential backoff algorithm have all just attempted transmissions that have all collided with each other.

    1. What is the probability that all 3 retransmissions will all collide again in the first time slot after the original collision?

    2. What is the probability that exactly 2 devices will collide again in the first time slot after the original collision?

    3. What is the probability that all 3 devices can successfully transmit their frames in a maximum of 3 time slots after the original collision?

  3. Another protocol problem: "The Greek Village Problem" (please note, there is no intended or implied sexism or sterotyping in this question. It is a traditional problem in logic).

    In a certain ancient Greek village there are a large number of pairs of married men and women. Each man is married to only one woman and each woman to only one man.

    All the Greek women love to gossip and will tell everything to any other woman, but will only convey gossip to their husbands, and to no other men. All the Greek men are very macho and, although they absorb all gossip told to them by their wives, they do not pass any gossip on to any other men or women, nor ask any "gossipy" questions of their own wives.

    Unfaithfulness is rife in this village. Naturally, no woman will tell her husband that she is being unfaithful as, by an old Greek tradition, upon learning that his wife is unfaithful, a Greek man may kill his wife at sunset that very day. Thus, no man hears that his wife is being unfaithful.

    The unfaithfulness runs rampant until, one day, Artemis the Greek God of Chastity decides to put a stop to it. Artemis decides to implant one piece of knowledge in the heads of all Greek men - "There is at least one unfaithful woman in the village".

    What happens? Is Artemis appeased?

    Again, what has this problem got to do with computer networks?

Chris McDonald
March 2024.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Presented by [email protected]