CITS3002 Computer Networks  

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Unit outline



Extra reading

Look after yourself!

Final examination:

  • The examination date is now published - via LMS.
  • If you already know that you cannot sit the examination please let your Faculty Office know (not Chris McDonald), as soon as possible.

  • The exam contributes 40% of your assessment in the unit.

  • 2 hours. No additional reading time.

  • The exam is closed-book - no books, notes, or calculators, although you may take in 1 x double-sided A4 page of notes (printed or handwritten).

  • The exam has 4 questions of equal value (10 marks each), with each question having 1 or 2 parts. You are required to attempt 3 full questions.

  • If you attempt all 4 questions, only the first 3 questions that you attempt will be marked. Your 4th question will be ignored.

  • Questions may be drawn from all materials of weeks 1-5,7-12 (week 6 was the mid-semester test) - lecture notes, tutorials, laboratory work, and material commonly found in the recommended textbooks,

  • The exam will not cover any coding. However, one or more questions may ask you to develop some pseudo-code, or code resembling Python or C (your choice). The syntactic correctness of your code will not be assessed.

  • The The 2023 Final ExaminationPDF is representative of the format and question style for 2024.
    196 students sat, and 135 student passed, the 2023 exam. Their average mark was 16.8/30 (56%).

  • You may find other past papers by searching for 'CITS3002' on the UWA Library website.

  • Note that the 2022 Final Exam was a 48 hour take-home exam (due to the COVID-19 lockdown), and its format is NOT relevant for our 2024 exam.

Good luck,

Chris McDonald.
April 2024.

Mid-semester test

Some sample mid-semester test questions.

Tutorials at 2pm Monday 8th April, and 3pm Tuesday 9th April will discuss some of the sample questions that you request.

  • The mid-semester test will be held on Wednesday 10th April 2024 (Week 6).

  • If you already know that you cannot sit the text on that day, then apply for Special Consideration at least 3 days before the test.

  • The test will be held at 2 different venues:

    Surnames A-L - 10:15AM, Ross Lecture Theatre (Physics Building)
    Surnames M-Z - 10:15AM, Clews Lecture Theatre (Physics Building)

  • The test provides 20% of your assessment in CITS3002 this semester.

  • The test paper covers all material discussed in lectures, tutorial, and concepts introduced in laboratories up to and including Week 5.

  • The test will be 50 minutes long.

  • The test is closed book.

  • The test paper will have between 10 and 12 short-answer questions.

  • The test will be marked out of 20, and each question will be worth 1, 2, or 3 marks.

  • All answers are to be written in the space provided on the test paper.

  • Do not write verbose answers to any question.

  • If a question asks for a diagram, then a relevant and correct diagram, will provide most of the question's marks.

  • The questions will not test any coding, nor specific commands or syntax.

Good luck,

Chris McDonald.
February 2024.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Presented by [email protected]