CITS3002 Computer Networks  

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PROSH 2024

The UWA Student Guild has nominated Wednesday, 20th March as PROSH day for 2024. PROSH is a Guild tradition raising funds for Western Australia charities since 1931. The University supports the good intent and social spirit with which PROSH is conducted.

UWA Senate's passed a resolution with regard to PROSH (R377/78), subsequently endorsed by Academic Council in 1989:

"that the Senate considers that the perpetuation of an event such as PROSH is of value to the University and, for this reason, believes that lectures should continue to be cancelled on the morning of the annual student procession."

This resolution has always been interpreted as including discussion classes, seminars and lab classes.

However, because PROSH morning overlaps with our single weekly CITS3002 lecture, our lecture WILL be presented as normal, its material will be examinable, and it will be recorded via LCS for those who choose not to attend.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Presented by [email protected]