CITS3002 Computer Networks  
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The cnet Networking Model

  • Network nodes are connected by one or more WAN (point-to-point) links, LAN segments (Ethernet), or WLAN (wireless Ethernet) interfaces.
  • cnet provides only the highest (Application) and lowest (Physical) layers. The number of internal layers to be designed and implemented by the professor (for instruction) or the student (for edification and assessment) depends on the complexity/functionality of the protocols being considered.

  • Execution proceeds by informing the student-written protocols that events of interest have occured. The protocols are expected to respond to these events.
  • Each node in the network appears to have its own operating system, and can call almost all standard C library functions, including screen and file I/O, and memory allocation.

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 3, Data Link Layer protocols, p15, 13th March 2024.