CITS3002 Computer Networks  
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The cnet Networking Simulator

The cnet network simulator enables experimentation with various data-link layer, network layer, routing and transport layer networking protocols in networks consisting of any combination of wide area networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and wireless local area networks (WLANs).

compile         = "stopandwait.c"
icon            = "macintosh"

ber             = 0.000005,

winx            = 500
winy            = 300

mapwidth        = 500px
mapheight       = 300px

host Perth {
    x           = 130px
    y           = 130px
    messagerate = 1500ms
host Sydney {
    x           = 380px
    y           = 130px
    messagerate = 3500ms
    wan to Perth {}

  • Network protocols may be written in C99 or C++. The simulator invokes native compilers, such as gcc or clang, to compile and link protocols.
  • This code is executed by the simulator natively - neither interpreted nor emulated. Execution is within a single Linux/UNIX process. Students do not need to write any scheduling code.
  • Under the GUI (written using the wxWidgets toolkit) many attributes of the network may be modified while the simulator is running. Students do not need to write any windowing code.
  • Data frames are truly passed between nodes.

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 3, Data Link Layer protocols, p14, 13th March 2024.