CITS3002 Computer Networks - Labsheet 1  

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Labsheet 1 - for the week commencing 4th March 2024

For students commencing this labsheet on Tuesday 5th March, please note that we're considering exercises not yet discussed in Lecture-2. However, there's enough explanation, here, to complete the exercises (and you can always read-ahead).

  1. The file Q1.datafile (save this file directly to disk; it may confuse your browser) contains the output of the following C code:

    #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> ..... int fd = open("Q1.datafile", O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0600); if(fd >= 0) { // IFF FILE OPENED SUCCESSFULLY for(int32_t i = -50 ; i<50 ; i++) { write(fd, &i, sizeof(i)); } close(fd); }

    when compiled and executed on a Sun SPARC computer (of which our Department used to own a great number, but now almost exclusively relies on Intel 64-bit x86 processors).

    Note that the integers have been written as "raw" binary values, not their text equivalents as would be produced by C's printf() function, Python's print() function, or Java's toString method.

    Write a short program (on any operating system platform) to read in the 100 integers and display them to the screen.

    • What do you observe and why?
    • Does the Linux or macOS program named od offer any help (run man od)?
    • What consequences do your observations have for computer networking?

  2. Examine C implementations of the three industry-standard cyclic-redundancy check (CRC) algorithms discussed in Lecture-2.

    Each of these functions accepts two parameters: an array of characters or bytes (as if the bytes were a network frame about to be transmitted, or just received), and an integer indicating how many bytes are provided in the array. Each of the functions then produces an integer result that is the result of calculating a checksum value of all bytes in the array. Each checksum algorithm is different and 'combines together' all bits from all bytes.

    There is no need to understand the implementations (doing so is very difficult), and each may be treated just as a "black-box", receiving inputs and producing an output.

    We can generate frames of random, ficticious data with code such as:

    #define FRAMESIZE 200 typedef unsigned char byte; byte frame[FRAMESIZE]; // SEED THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR (TO PRODUCE DIFFERENT RESULTS, EACH TIME) srand( getpid() ); // POPULATE THE FRAME WITH RANDOM BYTES for(int i=0 ; i < FRAMESIZE ; ++i) { frame[i] = rand() % 256; }

    Using the simple function corrupt_frame(), and some of its suggested modifications, write a program to demonstrate that these CRC algorithms are very robust.

    Think before coding (always a good technique!) and consider the questions:

    • what do CRC algorithms (in general) aim to do?
    • what is the purpose/use of the result of a CRC algorithm?
    • what does it mean to describe a CRC algorithm as robust?
    • what should I try to measure?
    • what will be considered a success, and what a failure?
    • how will I report my results?

  3. Extending your tests of Q2, how successful is a (naive) checksum function which simply adds up all bytes in a buffer to be transmitted? Why, or why not, might such a function be successful?

  4. In Q2 you tested the checksum algorithms with some randomly generated blocks (frames) of data. There may be concerns that just using random data, rather than data more typically observed in real networks, has produced skewed results.

    Modify your solution to Q2 to now use data from (the contents of) a large file from your computer's disk - as if that file were being copied across a network.

  5. The POSIX system call gettimeofday() may be used to measure the execution time of sections of your code. Using gettimeofday(), is any of the three given CRC algorithms significantly faster than the others? This simple timing program may help.

    How important a factor do you think is speed in choosing a suitable CRC algorithm?

When finished, you may wish to look at the code in creditcard.c (CITS2002 in 2023 offered a similar lab question, Q5).
Consider how it could be modified to generate valid credit-card numbers (though not necessarily the numbers of valid credit-cards). Of course, do not do this. Then, do not consider how such programs could be used against simplistic eCommerce web-sites.


Chris McDonald
February 2024.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Presented by [email protected]