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You will find on this page a number of resources that I think you may find helpful. Of course, that is a matter of personal taste and preference, so if you find something you think may help other students please let me know so I can add it here.


As mentioned in the Introductory lecture, there is no textbook as such for this unit, but here are a couple books you may find useful (and the first one has the distinct benefit of being free of charge.

Other Bash Books

  • Pure Bash Bible is a more advanced reference with useful code snippet covering a variety of tasks.

Referencing guide

From the Academic Conduct Essentials unit you are, no doubt, aware of the academic conduct issues around referencing. However, most of the available materials on the topic relate to natural language documents, e.g. essays written in English. Here is an link to an excellent resource from MIT about referencing code. Please refer to (and abide by) this guide if you plan to include code that is not yours in your work.

Background Reading

vi editor

The vi editor is the most widely used text editor. Unfortunately, vi is rather more powerful (and hence more complicated) than the conventional GUI editors, so there is a bit of a learning curve.

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 13 May 2022
Modified By: Michael Wise