Combining pointer arithmetic and dereferencing
With great care (because it's confusing),
we can also combine pointer arithmetic with dereferencing:
#define N 5
int totals[N];
int *p = totals ;
for(int i=0 ; i<N ; ++i) {
*p++ = 0; // set what p points to to zero, and then
// advance p to point to the "next" integer
for(int i=0 ; i<N ; ++i) {
printf("value of totals[%i] is: %i\n", i, totals[i] );
In English, we read this as:
"set the contents of the location that the pointer p
currently points to the value zero,
and then increment the value of pointer p by the size of the variable that
it points to"
Similarly we can employ pointer arithmetic in the control of for loops.
Consider this excellent use of the preprocessor:
int array[N];
int n, *a;
#define FOREACH_ARRAY_ELEMENT for(n=0, a=array ; n<N ; ++n, ++a)
if(*a == 0) {
CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 11, p9, 26th August 2024.