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An array's name is an address

When finding the address of a scalar variable (or a structure), we precede the name by the address of operator, the ampersand:

int total;
int *p = &total ;

However, when requiring the address of an array, we're really asking for the address of the first element of that array:

#define  N     5

int totals[N];

int *first  = &totals[0];    // the first element of the array   
int *second = &totals[1];    // the second element of the array   
int *third  = &totals[2];    // the third element of the array   

As we frequently use a pointer to traverse the elements of an array (see the following slides on pointer arithmetic), we observe the following equivalence:

      int *p = &totals[0] ;
// and:
      int *p = totals ;

That is: "an array's name is synonymous with the address of the first element of that array".


CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 11, p6, 26th August 2024.