Process Termination
summarises typical reasons why a process will terminate:
- normal termination,
- execution time-limit exceeded,
- a resource requested is unavailable,
- an arithmetic error (division by zero),
- a memory access violation,
- an invalid request of memory or a held resource,
- an operating system or parent process request, or
- its parent process has terminated.
These and many other events may either terminate the process, or simply
return an error indication to the running process. In all cases, the
operating system will provide a default action which may or may not be
process termination.
It is clear that process termination may be requested (or occur) when a
process is either Running or Ready.
The operating system (dispatcher) must handle both cases.
If a process is considered as a (mathematical) function, its return result,
considered as a Boolean or integral result, is generally made available to
(some) other processes.
CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 8, p6, 14th August 2024.