CITS2002 Systems Programming  
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Operating Systems Must Be Extensible

Of importance is an operating system's ability to evolve to meet new hardware and software demands:

  • New hardware is constantly introduced - adding more memory presents little difficulty; new types of disks, video cards, etc, are more problematic.
  • New application programs, tools, and system services are added.
  • Fixes and patches are released to correct operating system deficiencies.

All of this suggests that the operating system, as a program, needs to be extensible - a modular design seems essential. Consider the following figure:


A view of operating system services

Of course, the above diagram provides a very simplified representation of operating systems and their services. In practice, the relationships between the modular components become very complex - Linux and Windows-10

and the Interactive map of Linux kernel.


CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 3, p4, 29th July 2024.