Flow of control in a C program
A program's control flow
describes how sequences of statements are executed.
Flow control in a C program is very similar to most other imperative and
object-oriented languages.
- C programs commence their execution at their main() function,
execute their statements,
and exit (return the flow of control) to the operating system.
- It's fairly obvious that statements need to be executed in a
well-defined order, as we expect programs to always behave the same way
(unless some random data directs the execution path,
as in computer games, simulations, and heuristic algorithms).
- Default flow of control executes each statement in order, top-to-bottom.
- Programs that only execute from top-to-bottom are pretty boring,
and we need to control their flow with a variety of conditional
statements, loops, and function-calls.
CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 2, p8, 24th July 2024.