CITS2002 Systems Programming  
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Topics to be covered in CITS2002 Systems Programming

It's important to know where we're heading, so here's a list of topics that we'll be covering:

  • An introduction to the ISO-C programming language
    The structure of a C program, basic datatypes and variables, compiling and linking.
    We will focus on the C11 language standard.

  • An introduction to Operating Systems
    A brief history of operating systems, the role of contemporary operating systems, the relationship between programming languages, programs, and operating systems.

  • An overview of computer hardware components
    The processor and its registers, the memory hierarchy, input and output (I/O) and storage components.

  • C programs in greater detail
    Arrays and character strings, user-defined types and structures, how the computer hardware represents data, functions, parameter passing and return values.

  • Executing and controlling processes
    Creating and terminating processes, a program's runtime environment, command-line arguments, accessing operating system services from C.

  • Managing memory
    Allocating physical memory to processes, sharing memory between multiple processes, allocating and managing memory in C programs.

  • Files and their use in programs
    The file management system, file allocation methods, file and directory operations and attributes, file input and output (I/O), raw and formatted I/O, unbuffered and buffered I/O functions.

By the end of this unit you'll have this knowledge - it just won't all be presented strictly in this order.

Here is our unit's schedule.


CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 1, p2, 22nd July 2024.