The University of Western Australia
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

CITS1001 Object-oriented Programming and Software Eng


The following short programming exercises and questions aim to allow you to assess your understanding of concepts covered so far in CITS1001. You will need to sign up for accounts in PracticeIT and CodingBat to access some of these questions. Once you create an account, you can come back to the server another time and your code, and your results etc. will be saved. You can do everything on the server without an account, but your work will be forgotten when your session ends after 2 hours without activity.

You are welcome to browse both sites for extra problems, but note that the ones selected below (with the exception of the “Bonus” questions) have been chosen to best match the material we have covered so far in CITS1001.

You are free to discuss the problems on the Help1001 discussion forum – but make sure you attempt the problems first, before looking on the forum.


These questions review topics that have been covered extensively in lectures and labs. It should, at most, be only necessary to refer to lecture slides for syntax in order to complete them. They require only minimal writing of any Java code.

If you have difficulty with these, you may need to review the material on studying and learning effectively on the “Help” page. If you believe you are already applying these practices and are still having difficulties, you may wish to contact the lecturer or unit coordinator to discuss other options.


The following questions require either a little code to be written, or a reasonable understanding of a topic which we have covered in lectures and labs.

If you have any difficulty with these, you may wish to make sure you are up to date with all the material covered in lectures and labs, and are following the suggestions on studying and learning effectively on the “Help” page.


The following exercises require either whole methods to be written, or a good understanding of a topic which has been covered in lectures or labs. They may require topics to be applied in contexts outside the ones you have seen them.

If you have difficulty with these, you may wish to ensure you are getting enough practice writing code in labs and in your own study time – if you are thoroughly familiar with applying the concepts we have covered, it should be possible to complete all of these with a little thought.


The following exercises make use of concepts not yet covered in class – but if you are thoroughly familiar with the material we have covered, you should be able to solve them by referring to the textbook. If you have any difficulty with them, that is not a problem – we will cover the topics required in upcoming lectures.