CITS2002 Systems Programming  
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The standard command-line arguments

In all of our C programs to date we've seen the use of, but not fully explained, command-line arguments.

We've noticed that the main() function receives command-line arguments from its calling environment (usually the operating system):

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("program's name: %s\n", argv[0]); 

    for(int a=0 ; a < argc ; ++a) {
        printf("%i: %s\n", a, argv[a] );
    return 0;

We know:

  • that argc provides the count of the number of arguments, and
  • that all programs receive at least one argument (the program's name).

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p1, 2nd October 2023.

But what is argv?

If we read argv's definition, from right to left, it's

"an array of pointers to characters"

Or, try

While we typically associate argv with strings, we remember that C doesn't innately support strings. It's only by convention or assumption that we may assume that each value of argv[i] is a pointer to something that we'll treat as a string.

In the previous example, we print "from" the pointer. Alternatively, we can print every character in the arguments:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    for(int a=0 ; a < argc ; ++a) {
        printf("%i: ", a);

	for(int c=0 ; argv[a][c] != '\0' ; ++c)  {  
            printf("%c", argv[a][c] );
    return 0;

The operating system actually makes argv much more usable, too:

  • each argument is guaranteed to be terminated by a null-byte (because they are strings), and
  • the argv array is guaranteed to be terminated by a NULL pointer.

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p2, 2nd October 2023.

Parsing command-line arguments

By convention, most applications support command-line arguments (commencing with a significant character) that appear between a program's name and the "true" arguments.

For programs on Unix-derived systems (such as Apple's macOS and Linux), these are termed command switches, and their introductory character is a hyphen, or minus.

Keep in mind, too, that many utilities appear to accept their command switches in (almost) any order. For the common ls program to list files, each of these is equivalent:

  • ls   -l -t -r  files
  • ls   -lt -r  files
  • ls   -ltr  files
  • ls   -rtl  files

Of note, neither the operating system nor the shell know the switches of each program, so it's up to every program to detect them, and report any problems.

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p3, 2nd October 2023.

Parsing command-line arguments, continued

Consider the following program, that accepts an optional command switch, -d, and then zero or more filenames:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

char *progname;
bool dflag        = false;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    progname = argv[0];

    --argc; ++argv;

    while(argc > 0 && (*argv)[0] == '-') {  // or  argv[0][0]
        if((*argv)[1] == 'd')               // or  argv[0][1]
            dflag = !dflag;
            argc = 0;
        --argc; ++argv;
    if(argc < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s [-d] [filename]\n", progname);  
    if(argc > 0) {
        while(argc > 0) {
            process_file(*argv);    // provide filename to function
            --argc; ++argv;
    else {
        process_file(NULL);         // no filename, use stdin or stdout?
    return 0;

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p4, 2nd October 2023.

Parsing command-line arguments with getopt

As programs become more complicated, they often accept many command switches to define and constrain their execution (something casually termed creeping featurism [1]).

In addition, command switches do not just indicate, or toggle, a Boolean attribute to the program, but often provide additional string values and numbers to further control the program.

The correct parsing of command switches can quickly become complicated!

To simplify the task of processing command switches in our programs, we'll use the function getopt().

getopt() is not a function in the Standard C library but, like the function strdup(), it is widely available and used. In fact, getopt() conforms to a different standard - an POSIX standard [2], which provides functions enabling operating system portability.


[1] UNIX Style, or cat -v Considered Harmful
[2] The IEEE Std 1003.1 (POSIX.1-2017)

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p5, 2nd October 2023.

Parsing command-line arguments with getopt, continued

Let's repeat the previous example using getopt:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <getopt.h>

#define	OPTLIST		"d"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int		opt;

    opterr	= 0;
    while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, OPTLIST)) != -1) {
	if(opt == 'd')
            dflag = !dflag;
            argc = -1;
    if(argc < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-d] [filename]\n", progname);  
    while(optind < argc) {
        process( argv[optind] );
    return 0;

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p6, 2nd October 2023.

Parsing command-line arguments with getopt, continued

Let's repeat the previous example, but now support an additional command switch that provides a number as well. The getopt function is informed, through the OPTLIST character string, that an argument is expected after the new -n switch.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <getopt.h>

#define	OPTLIST		"df:n:"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int  opt;
    bool dflag   = false;
    char *filenm = NULL;
    int  value   = DEFAULT_VALUE;

    opterr	= 0;
    while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, OPTLIST)) != -1)   {  
	if(opt == 'd') {
            dflag  =  !dflag;
	else if(opt == 'f') {
            filenm  =  strdup(optarg);
	else if(opt == 'n') {
            value  =  atoi(optarg);
        else {
            argc = -1;

    if(argc <= 0) {    //  display program's usage/help   
    argc  -= optind;
    argv  += optind;
    return 0;

getopt sets the global pointer variable optarg to point to the actual value provided after -n - regardless of whether any spaces appear between the switch and the value.

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p7, 2nd October 2023.

Inter-process communication

When writing programs, we don't write all of the code ourselves. Wherever possible, we employ standard, well-tested, functions - both from programming language standard libraries and from 3rd-party developers.

Similarly, our running programs - processes - should not attempt to perform all of the work themselves, if there is a standard, well-tested resource that can perform some of the work.

Processes do not, should not, work in isolation, and should communicate with other processes if useful to do so.

Contemporary operating systems provide a number inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms. Examples include:

  • asynchronous signals
  • unidrectional anonymous pipes (in-memory FIFO buffers)
  • named pipes (on-disk FIFO files)
  • in-memory message-queues
  • shared memory blocks, permitting processes to 'share' an array or other data-structure
  • sockets, to communicate with local- or remote processes across a network (CITS3002 Computer Networks)

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p8, 2nd October 2023.

Inter-process communication - filters

This is the Unix philosophy: write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs that handle text streams, because that is a universal interface. Douglas McIlroy, Bell System Technical Journal, 1978

One of the most successful ideas introduced in early Unix systems was the interprocess communication mechanism termed a pipe. Pipes enable shells (or other programs) to connect the output of one program to the input of another, and for arbitrary sequences of pipes - a pipeline - to filter a data-stream with a number of transformations.

A great pipeline example, providing a rudimentary spell-checker:

prompt>tr -cs 'A-Za-z' '\n' < inputfilename | sort -u | comm -23 - /usr/share/dict/words

Programs typically used in pipelines are termed filters, and they work in combination because of their simple communication schemes which do not add 'unexpected detail' to their output, so that programs reading that output as their input only have the expected data-stream to process.

Unix-based systems provide a huge number of utility programs that filter their standard-input, writing their 'results' to stdout-output:

comm, cut, grep, gzip, head, join, merge, paste, sort, tail, tee, tr, uniq, wc, zcat

It's for this reason that programs don't produce verbose natural-language descriptions of their output, no headings for tables of data, unless a specific command-line option requests it. Just the facts.

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p9, 2nd October 2023.

Inter-process communication using pipes in C

Contemporary systems provide a system call, imaginatively named pipe(), to create a unidirectional communication buffer.

  • Within the operating system kernel, a pipe is a vector of memory, typically 4096 bytes long

  • From within a C program, a pipe is represented as an array of two integer file-descriptors. Writing data to array[0] adds the data to the pipe, and reading from array[1] removes that data.

    #include  <unistd.h>
    int  thepipe[2];
    char data[1024];
    int  datasize, nbytes;
    if(pipe(thepipe) != 0) {
        perror("cannot create pipe");
    datasize = ...
    nbytes   = write( thepipe[0], data, datasize);       // write to the pipe
    nbytes   =  read( thepipe[1], data, sizeof(data));   // read from the pipe

Pipes have a finite size, typically 4096 bytes, and their typical use affects the scheduling of processes connected by the same pipe:

  • A newly created pipe is empty.
  • Data written to the writing end is added to the pipe.
  • If a process tries to write more data than will fit in the pipe, that writing process is blocked until space becomes available.
  • Data read from the reading end is removed from the pipe.
  • If a process tries to read more data than is held in the pipe (including if the pipe is empty) then that reading process is blocked until data becomes available.
  • A pair of processes writing and reading using the same pipe, 'cause' those processes to (roughly) alternate their execution.

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p10, 2nd October 2023.

Inter-process communication using pipes in C, continued

While the previous code will work (a single process can write-and-read with itself!), the true power of pipes obviously comes when two processes communicate using the same pipe.

  • But, if a pipe is an array of two integers, how do two processes access that same array?
The solution requires that processes sharing a pipe must be 'related'. In the following example, a (parent) process creates a pipe, forks a child process, and both processes now have access to the same pair of file descriptors:

#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
#include  <unistd.h>

void communicate(void)
    int>  thepipe[2]
    char data[1024];
    int  datasize, nbytes;

    if(pipe(thepipe) != 0) {
        perror("cannot create pipe");


    switch ( fork() ) {
    case -1 :
        printf("fork() failed\n"); // process creation failed

    case 0:                       // new child process
        close( thepipe[0] );      // child will never write to pipe
        nbytes = read( thepipe[1], data, sizeof(data));   // read from the pipe
        close( thepipe[1] );


    default:                      // original parent process
        close( thepipe[1] );      // parent will never read from pipe
        datasize = ...
        nbytes   = write( thepipe[0], data, datasize);    // write to the pipe
        close( thepipe[0] );

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p11, 2nd October 2023.

Duplicating file-descriptors using dup2()

Of course it's very unusual for a child process to keep running the 'same code' as its parent process.

More typically, the child process will call execl() to commence the execution of another program. Even though a new program commences, the process's open file-descriptors remain open.

Moreover, if the new program (such as sort) is a filter expecting to receive its input via its standard-input stream (file descriptor 0), then we must perform to 'plumbing' with the dup2() system-call to arrange our descriptors:

#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
#include  <unistd.h>

void communicate(void)
    switch ( fork() ) {

    case 0  :                     // new child process
        close( thepipe[1] );      // child will never write to pipe
        dup2(  thepipe[0], 0);    // duplicate/clone the reading end's descriptor and stdin 
        close( thepipe[0] );      // close the reading end's descriptor

        // child may now read from its stdin (fd=0)

        execl("/usr/bin/sort", "sort", NULL);   // execute a new (filter) program


    default :                     // parent process
        close( thepipe[0] );      // parent will never read from pipe
        dup2(  thepipe[1], 1);    // duplicate/clone the writing end's descriptor and stdout 
        close( thepipe[1] );      // close the writing end's descriptor

        // parent may now write to its stdout (fd=1)

CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 18, p12, 2nd October 2023.