CITS2002 Systems Programming  
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Advantages of Paging

Execution of any process can continue provided that the instruction it next wants to execute, or the data location it next wants to access, is in physical memory.

If not, the operating system must load the required memory from the swapping (or paging) space before execution can continue.

However, the swapping space is generally on a slow device (a disk), so the paging I/O request forces the process to be Blocked until the required page of memory is available. In the interim, another process may be able to execute.

Before we consider how we can achieve this, and introduce additional efficiency, consider what advantages are now introduced:

  • More (pieces of) processes may be maintained in main physical memory (either Ready or Running).

    Most processes do not require all of their memory before they can execute: memory may be loaded on demand.

  • If the swapping space is larger than the physical memory, any single process may now demand more memory than the amount of physical memory installed.

This last aspect gives the technique its name: virtual memory.


CITS2002 Systems Programming, Lecture 14, p3, 12th September 2023.