CITS5501 Workshop Exercises Assessment Rubric

Date: 2020-03-09

Version: 0.1.0

There are three assessed workshop exercises. For each of these workshops, you will be given some short questions or a scenario to analyse and asked to demonstrate that you can:

“Identifying relevant facts/topics” and “justifying answers” are the key things we are looking for in workshop answers.

Each workshop will be marked out of 5 (2 + 2 + 1). There are 2 marks for identifying relevant facts/topics, 2 marks for justifying answers, and 1 mark for clarity/legibility.

The three assessed workshops in total are worth 15 marks, and 15% of the unit mark.


Demonstrated level

Identifying relevant facts/topics

Justifying answers

Proficient (2 marks)

All (or nearly all) relevant facts/topics identified, with at most minor omissions/errors

Nuanced justification and reasons for answers

Satisfactory (1 mark)

Some relevant facts and topics identified but some major omissions/one-sided arguments

Some attempt at justification but major omissions or errors e.g. fails to justify major points or identify key assumptions

Not yet satisfactory (0 marks)

Little or no evidence of ability to identify relevant facts/topics

Little or no evidence of ability to justify answers


Finally, 1 mark is awarded for clarity and legibility: 1 mark if the submission is reasonably legible and clear, 0 if it is not.