Date: 2020-04-01
Version: 0.1
Q. My answer to q 1 is just 4-5 sentences – is that a problem?
A. Not at all – concise is good.
Q. Do we need to name the predicate in q 2(i)?
A. You don’t need to, but it never hurts. Whenever you’ve got just one predicate, you might as well call it \(p\). For situations where you’ve got more than one, you could just call them \(p_1\), \(p_2\) and so on – or some more descriptive name like \(p_{isUserAuthorised}\).
Q. Can we use a table to answer q 2(ii)?
A. Yes, that’s fine
Q. What if we need to make assumptions about how the system works?
A. Just state what your assumptions are. Usually, if there are multiple possibilities, go for the one that makes the answer simpler.
Q.. Do the test cases in q 2(ii) need to have any particular coverage?
A. No, q 2(ii) doesn’t say anything about coverage – it just says “two tests”, so you can pick any two you like.
Q.. What if we write more cases than two?
A.. Then I’ll only mark the first two. (Most markers take this approach to quizzes, tests, exams, assignments etc. If a question says something like “Write a method that does X”, and you write two versions, we’ll just mark the first one we see. It would be unfair to other students give you “two goes” at the question.)