Laboratory testing database

We have built a large library of soil geotechnical test results over the last 20 years. Test results are stored in excel spreadsheets, with formats that have changed over time. The aim of this project is to build an application (if possible, with a GUI) where: - The user can build a database by adding the existing test results to the database - The user can add new features to the database that are not identified during this project. Examples of features: test type, plasticity index, residual strength, shearing stage, saturation stage. (this would be like having a backend interface where non-technical users could upload new data) - The user can both visualise and interrogate the database of test results, filter the database using the features, identify trends and patterns in data, using various selection options from across the entirety of the available database (e.g., test type, material type, test step, geographic provenance of soil) - A means to share this application with other users, but the custodian of the data can hide confidential test results The team will have access to several sets of test results (e.g., 10 triaxial test results, 10 direct simple shear results) to understand data format, size, type of test results that will be queried, etc.


Contact: Cristina Vulpe
Phone: 64881885
Email[email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: CEME building

IP Exploitation Model

The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is: Creative Commons (open source)

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 12 July 2024
Modified By: Michael Wise