Teaching Collections Database and User Interface

In 2014, I was the project manager for the OCCAMS cultural database at ANU (https://cdhr.cass.anu.edu.au/occams-online-cultural-collections-analysis-and-management-system). As a lecturer in anthropology here at UWA, I have developed a unit that focuses on material culture (ANTH2602, https://handbooks.uwa.edu.au/unitdetails?code=ANTH2902) which uses an extensive teaching collection of objects from all over the world. During Semester 1, 2024, I had an intern begin the cataloging of these objects using excel and storing photographs in separate files. The project proposal is simple - can you create an interface where:

  1. I can present to students objects available for study that semester with the existing metadata and photographs - either via LMS or via an internal, nonpublic webpage or other interface where user access and editing rights can be controlled
  2. Create an interface where I can add metadata and photos to existing objects as well as add new objects

Those two goals are pretty giant in and of themselves but even getting this started would be ideal. I would also be interested in a project that spans multiple years/teams. I do not have the time to look after another team this year but in the future, I will have more space in Semester 2. Thank you for your consideration.


Contact: Dr Gretchen Stolte
Phone: 0417786864
Email[email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: UWA

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Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 12 July 2024
Modified By: Michael Wise