Intergration of motion tracking systems for capturing social interaction

The way people coordinate their behaviour when they interact with each other has far-reaching consequences for forming healthy and effective relationships. In our lab, we study interpersonal coordination using experimental methods - in brief we aim to capture naturalistic behaviour during real-time social exchange. To do so, we employ a range of different motion-capture and movement-tracking technologies ranging from tethered magnetic systems (Polhemus Liberty, to fully wireless tracking (Vive, and specialised hand and finger tracking (Leapmotion2,

This project requires the development of software that allows the real-time collation and recording of the data being captured by these various systems such that it is synchronised to a common timestamp. Ideally, the software should be user friendly and customisable (e.g., sample rates, start-stop times, selection of source/s, output format) and provide the capacity to integrate both video and audio along with the motion-capture data.


Contact: Lynden Miles (CI), Amber Brown (PhD student)
Phone: 0476 830163 (Lynden)
Email[email protected]; [email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: School of Psychological Science, UWA

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Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 12 July 2024
Modified By: Michael Wise