Interactive Web-based Graph Database Family Tree Management

We propose the transition from a web-based Sunburst Chart to an interactive graph database visualization for efficient long lasting family tree management using Neo4j. This new method overcomes significant challenges inherent to the D3 sunburst approach. For one, it introduces lines between segments, which not only enhance readability but can also convey additional information, such as relationships between individuals. In contrast to a D3 sunburst, a graph database offers infinite scalability, effectively addressing the webpage's longevity issues. Considering that the family tree data is inherently relational, it is better managed and processed using a graph database. This platform will allow administrators to dynamically add, modify, and update nodes and relationships, and website visitors will be able to explore the family tree graph database, interact with individual nodes, and submit comments.


Contact: Nima Dehdashti
Phone: 0450924549
Email[email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: 2nd floor EECE room 2.78

IP Exploitation Model

The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is: Creative Commons (open source)

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 12 July 2024
Modified By: Michael Wise