Browser-based events scheduling tool
The purpose of this tool is to streamline the process for scheduling events (courses workshops, seminars and conferences) several years in advance. This need to be accessed by different members of the ACG team at any time and need to give different visual representations of the schedules.
Envisaged features
- Data management
This tool needs to provide an user-friendly interface for managing data. The data includes the ACG’s own events and competing events hosted by other organisations. The data should easily be filtered, sorted and edited.
- Flexible data levels
The data structures should enable different levels of accuracy of data input. For example, one may schedule an event for the first quarter of the next year, to be run from 8am to 1pm and only later decide the month and even later pin down the actual days.
- Pre-set visualisation of schedules
List and Calendar views of different time frames (weekly to multi-year).
- These should displays ACG and competing events.
- Colour coding and filtering on different categories (type, theme, country, organisers etc.)
Contact: Johan Wesseloo
Phone: 6488 3300
Email: [email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: ME 273
IP Exploitation Model
The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is: Other (please describe)
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 09 July 2021
Modified By: Michael Wise