This purpose of this tool is to facilitate the development of an event programme, i.e. time slot with its content. An automatic scheduling feature should assist the user with the development of the programme. A pre-filled database of content will be available to the tool with the following information:
Title, Authors, Presenter, Time slot length, Theme, Keywords etc.
Envisaged features
The user will choose from predefined skeleton.
The skeleton will define the number of slots per day and the break times. In addition it will define the flexibility of the different time slots. For example morning tea can start 30m earlier or 30min later this flexibility allows the stretching and shrinking of sessions if necessary to fit in longer or shorter presentations.
The automatic scheduler will prefill the skeleton keeping presentations with the same theme and keywords together.
presentations could be assigned more than one theme and will be assigned several keywords.
A graphical overview of the programme (up to 5 days) and the list of presentations, should be visible at the same time with the possibility to expand and collapse either of these.
The list view contains sorting, filtering and colouring options (according to Theme, timeslot length, presenter, affiliation, etc.)
The programme view should contain colouring options.
The user can drag-n-drop presentations from one time-slot to another, pin presentations to a specific timeslots and rerun the scheduler to prefill the remaining slots.
It is envisaged that some attributes may be changed in the scheduler. For example a timeslot length of theme.
Saving and exporting a final programme and writing changed attributes back to the original database.
Contact: Johan Wesseloo Phone: 6488 3300 Email: [email protected] Preferred contact: Email Location: ME 273
IP Exploitation Model
The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is: CC BY-NC but can discuss other possibilities.
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 09 July 2021
Modified By: Michael Wise