Jupyter Notebook for ENSC3015 Signals and Systems

ENSC3015 is a core unit in the EE engineering major which introduces students to signals and systems. The lab work involves the use of the MATLAB environment (introduction in Lab 1), for both SIMULINK system design tool (in Lab 2) and signal processing (in Lab 3). For the last lab it would be desirable to introduce students to the use of the Python language and packages, especially in the context of the Jupyter notebook environment where the cell format allows students to run snippets of code and see the results (not otherwise easy in the more traditional MATLAB IDE).

For this project you will need to rewrite the existing MATLAB scripts and edit the Lab 3 documentation to use the Jupyter notebook rather than MATLAB IDE. This is effectively a MATLAB2Python conversion process, but how to break the code into sequential cells will also be part of the challenge. Optionally the team can also work on the Lab documentation to replace all reference to MATLAB to the Python equivalent (and snapshot of the outputs for the solutions manual). Your scripts will need to be configured and tested within the Jupyter notebook environment from the Anaconda system (as deployed across the UWA teaching labs) including the requirements.txt file for the packages.

The specialised MATLAB tools used for the signal processing in Lab 3 will also need to be reconfigured from the MATLAB version. These would include: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/fft.html for the FFT routine https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.spectrogram.html for the spectrogram() routine and testing / evaluating the https://pypi.org/project/pyfda/ tool which seems a good replacement for the MATLAB filterDesigner tool (see https://au.mathworks.com/help/dsp/ug/using-filter-designer.html).


Contact: Roberto Togneri
Phone: 6488 2535
Email[email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: EEC Engineering

IP Exploitation Model

The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is: Creative Commons (open source) http://creativecommons.org.au/

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 25 June 2021
Modified By: Michael Wise