Offline functionalities for Foodbank's remote evaluations

Foodbank WA is Western Australias largest not-for-profit food relief organisation, feeding vulnerable Australians through food relief and school breakfast programs. Foodbank WA also has a number of nutrition programs aiming to improve knowledge, attitudes, and skills to encourage healthy eating and cooking for healthier bodies, minds, and futures.

Foodbank WA is currently working in rural and remote parts of the Pilbara with a wide variety of vulnerable and low literacy groups, running nutrition education and cooking demonstrations sessions called Food Sensations. We are seeking support to develop pre and post evaluation surveys that are offline (due to limited internet access), that need to pass both the UWA and Department of Education ethics committees.

We are currently using paper format evaluation sheets that require manual data entry, with potential data error occurring. At this stage we have a draft on Qualtrics, but are having difficulties being able to use it offline, due to user login access. We would like to have a platform that enables us to work offline, that is user friendly for children and low literacy groups, and in the future could be used with other functionalities: ie. games/quizzes, videos, app development etc.

A confidentiality agreement will need to be signed.


Contact: Kristy Manners
Phone: 0420 700 090
Email[email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: Perth

IP Exploitation Model

The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is up for discussion.

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 22 July 2021
Modified By: Michael Wise