Development of an online Q methodology data collection tool
Q methodology is a data collection and analysis technique developed firstly in the field of psychology but now used across all the social sciences. Q methodology is used to investigate the variety of perceptions existing within a population about a given topic.
A Q methodology data gathering application will provide the study participants with a list of statements, and then will ask to sort those statements on a grid depending on how much the participants agree with the content of the statements. A short survey included at the beginning and at the end of the sorting task may be also included. The application required will need to allow for the customization of:
the list of statements,
the sorting instructions,
the opening and concluding survey,
the opening statement of the application,
the download of the data collecting in a format suitable for subsequent statistical analysis.
Due to its particular requirements, it is not possible to collect Q methodology data with conventional online survey applications such as Qualtrics or Survey Monkey.