Tool for Fieldwork Planning and Risk Assessment

A large amount of fieldwork is undertaken in the School of Earth Sciences for coursework teaching and research projects undertaken by Honours, Masters, HDR students and staff. It is the most important element that underpins the Geology undergraduate major and our postgraduate coursework teaching in Geoscience, Petroleum Geoscience, Ore Deposit Geology and Hydrogeology. Staff and research students undertake fieldwork in projects in WA but also distributed around the world including Africa, South America and Southeast and Central Asia. The current approval process for fieldwork, involving the completion of a number of forms, is time consuming and cumbersome for both applicants and approvers.

The development of an online fieldwork planning and risk assessment tool would streamline the fieldwork application and approval process, ensuring that all necessary information is included in approval requests. The online tool would provide a user-friendly platform for applicants to enter data that would then populate the required UWA Safety and Health fieldwork forms. Ideally, the tool would assist applicants in identifying exactly what information and forms are required for their fieldwork, in line with the University's fieldwork planning process, and would assist approvers by populating the Health and Safety Fieldwork Register. The completed forms then need to be checkable online (by the School Fieldwork Coordinator), amended as necessary, and then should be printable (with good layout) for HoS signing.


Contact Person: A/P Annette George, School of Earth Sciences
Telephone: 6488 1923
Email: [email protected]
Preferred method of contact: Email
Location: 1.09 Geography & Geology Building (North)

Client Unavailability


IP Exploitation Model

The client wishes to use a Creative Commons CC BY-NC model to deal with IP embodied in the project.