import requests import lxml import re import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #set url and headers url = "" headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36 QIHU 360SE' } #unit codes is a textfile containing the 8 character unit codes, 1 to a line. #test only with small lists of units (e.g. CITS units) codes=open('major-codes.txt','r') #the major currently being crawled code = codes.readline().strip() #the dictionary of majors. majors = {} while code: page = requests.get(url+code, headers = headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'lxml') #put all data into majors dictionary data = json.loads('{'+''.join(re.findall(r'(".*)',str(list(soup.find_all('script'))[4])))+'}') major = {} major['code'] = data['fsCode'] major['title'] = data['fsCourseTitle'] major['school'] = data['fsSchool'] major['board_of_examiners'] = data['fsBoe'] major['delivery_mode'] = data['fsDelivery'] #Assume the relevant fields are contained in dictionary lists #(which is mostly true). overview = soup.find('dl') for key, value in list(zip(overview.find_all("dt"),overview.find_all("dd"))): key = key.get_text().strip() #Description is a text file (html characters are stripped out) if key == 'Description': major[key.lower()] = value.get_text() #credit is a number (remove "points") elif key == 'Outcomes': outcomes = value.get_text().strip() major[key.lower()] = re.findall(r'\d\)([^\(;]*)', outcomes) elif key == 'Prerequisites': major[key.lower()] = value.get_text().strip()[0:-7] #correct? doesn't seem to be widely used? elif key == 'Courses': major[key.lower()] = list(map(lambda x: x.get_text().strip()[0:5], value.find_all("strong"))) major['bridging'] = [] major['units'] = [] #need
/table/div as a string then units = beautifulsoup(text, 'lxml') bridge_source = re.findall(r'class="bridging">.*?()',str(page.content)) for bridge_set in bridge_source: bridging_units = BeautifulSoup(bridge_set, 'lxml') cells = list('tr td')) count = 1 while count < len(cells): major['bridging'].append(cells[count].find('a').get_text().strip()) count+=4 #No good way to extract electives here core_source = re.findall(r'class="dsm">.*?()',str(page.content)) for core_set in core_source: core_units = BeautifulSoup(core_set, 'lxml') cells = list('tr td')) count = 1 while count < len(cells): major['units'].append(cells[count].find('a').get_text().strip()) count+=4 majors[code] = major code = codes.readline().strip() codes.close() out = open('majors.json', 'w') #write to file with indent set to 2. json.dump(majors,out,indent=2)