CITS3002 Computer Networks  
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Locating and calling the server

  • When we start the server program on the remote machine it creates a UDP socket and binds any local port to that socket. The function svc_register in the RPC library is called to register the server with the portmapper process. The portmapper keeps track of each server's program number, version number and port number.

  • We start our client program which calls clnt_create. This function contacts the portmapper on the remote system to determine the UDP port number.

  • Our client calls the bin_date_1 function (the client stub). The stub sends the 'call' to the server stub using a UDP datagram. An integer is returned as the single result.

  • Our client calls the str_date_1 function (the client stub). The stub sends the single parameter to the server stub using a UDP datagram. The string result is returned in the parameter array.

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 10, Architecture independent applications, p11, 8th May 2024.