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Passing parameters to remote procedures

Significant problems are introduced with parameter passing:

  • Passing simple data types (by value) such as integers, floating point numbers and strings (character arrays) is easy. The client-stub simply places copies of them in a calling packet.

  • At worst, data types may need format conversion between machines (performed by the Presentation Layer). There exists a well defined data interchange standard - the External Data Representation (XDR) for transferring data between heterogeneous environments (in [RFC1014]).

  • To get an appreciation of the complexity of XDR, read the manual entry for xdr or the header file (on Linux).

  • Trouble arises when reference parameters must be passed. When local procedures are invoked a reference parameter, such as a pointer may be passed and followed by the procedure (they have the same address space).

This is not true of RPCs!

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 10, Architecture independent applications, p6, 8th May 2024.