CITS3002 Computer Networks  
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Congestion and Flow-Control in the Network Layer

An additional problem to be addressed by the Network Layer occurs if too many packets are 'dumped' into some part of the subnet - network performance will degrade sharply.

Worse still, when performance degrades, timeouts and re-transmission of packets will increase.

Also, if all available buffer space in each router is exhausted, then incoming packets will be discarded (what??!!), causing further re-transmissions.

Congestion is both a problem that a node's Network Layer must avoid (not introduce), and must address (if other nodes' Network Layers cause it).


  • Congestion control is concerned with ensuring that the subnet can carry the offered traffic - a global issue concerning all hosts and routers working together.

  • Flow control is concerned with end-to-end control (possibly multiple hops apart).

The sender must not swamp the receiver, and typically involves direct feedback from the receiver to the sender to 'slow down'.

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 5, The Network Layer, p16, 25th March 2024.