CITS3002 Computer Networks  
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Reducing The Number Of Data Link Frames

At present we have both DL_DATA and DL_ACK frames travelling in each direction.

The small DL_ACK frames consume much bandwidth, and increase the number of hardware interrupts that must be serviced by the operating system.

Instead, we use frame piggybacking:

  • When the receiver gets a DL_DATA frame, it does not immediately send an DL_ACK frame.
  • The receiver waits until it has its own outgoing DL_DATA frame, and piggybacks the pending DL_ACK in the outgoing header.
  • If no DL_DATA frame becomes available in a short time, the receiver must send an DL_ACK frame, by itself.

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 3, Data Link Layer protocols, p23, 13th March 2024.