CITS3002 Computer Networks  
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Using simulation to develop network protocols

In the following slides we demonstrate that a wide variety of experiments in WAN, LAN, and WLAN networking can be undertaken and evaluated through quality, interactive, simulation tools.

Important concepts of computer networking, including:

  • detection and recovery from data corruption and loss,
  • collision detection and avoidance,
  • data-link protocols,
  • table-driven and on-demand routing algorithms,
  • wireless and mobile algorithms, and
  • the security of networks,

may all be investigated.

The ideas discussed here are well supported by thoroughly tested network simulation software that has been refined over twenty years and used by thousands of undergraduate students at hundreds of institutions world-wide.

cnet development has been supported by an ACM-SIGCSE Special Project Grant

and an Australian Apple University Consortium Scholarship,

and was selected by William Stalling to support his textbook Data and Computer Communications.

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 3, Data Link Layer protocols, p10, 13th March 2024.